Thinking in C - free ebook download

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Flash-based audio-visual seminar to introduce you to the fundamentals of the C language which will help you move on to C-based languages like C++, Java and C#. This seminar was formerly delivered on the CD-ROM bound into the 2nd and 3rd editions of Thinking in Java, and the 2nd edition, Volume 1 of Thinking in C++.

This is the release candidate and will be the final version unless bugs are discovered. This also tests the new download server configuration.

This version makes some small changes to simplify and improve usability.

The seminar uses Flash 7, and should thus work on all Flash-supported platforms including Linux.

Unzip the file that you download and open the Index.html file that's in the main directory. That file should explain everything (if it does not, let me know).



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Note: The ebooks files are stored somewhere else on the internet and Books are NOT a part of this website our users just collect links.