Handbook on Communicaiton Skills - Free eBook download

Sunday, December 26, 2010

PDF Ebook Handbook on Communicaiton Skills

The handbooks on Soft Skills developed by Centre for Good Governance are intended primarily for personnel in public administration. They offer an overview of some of the principal skills that are essential for effective performance competence. They draw heavily upon existing literature and current practices in public and private organizations around the world and include numerous references and links to useful web resources.

They are not comprehensive ‘guides’ or ‘how to’ booklets. Rather, they incorporate the perspectives of experts in the specific domains whose knowledge, insights, advice and experiences prove handy in honing skills essential for strengthening the capacity for effectiveness of public service at all levels of government.

This handbook, Communication Skills, focuses on how personnel in the public administration can develop approaches and strategies that will enable them to deal with communication problems in a variety of contexts.

1.Understanding Communication
2.Workplace Communication Relationships
3.Types of Communication
4.Methods of Communication
5.Communication Styles
6.Common Roadblocks to Communication
7.Criteria for Assessing Communication Competence
8.Seven Actions for Effective Communication
9.Some DOs of Effective Communication
10.Some DONTs of Effective Communication


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